"Siena International Photo Awards" буюу олон улсын шилдэг гэрэл зургийг шалгаруулах тус наадам дөрөв дэхь жилдээ зохион байгуулагдаж энэ оны онцлох гэрэл зургуудыг шалгарууллаа.

Тус наадамд 156 улсын мэргэжлийн гэрэл зурагчид болон сонирхогчид 48,000 гаруй бүтээлээ ирүүлсэн байна. Эдгээр бүтээлээс шилдгээр шалгарсан дараахь гэрэл зургуудыг хүргэе. 

“Battle Victim” by K M Asad. Ukhiya, Bangladesh. SIPA Contest Photo of the Year.



“Game of Colors” by Anurag Kumar. Nandgaon, Uttar Pradesh, India. 2° Classified, Fragile Ice.



“Floating Market” by Sina Falker. Borneo, Indonesia. 1° Classified, Fragile Ice.



“Reflection Pole Vault” by Ajuriaguerra Saiz Pedro Luis. Bilbao, Spain. 1° Classified, Sports in Action.



“Toy Houses” by Fyodor Savintsev. Arkhangelsk, Russia. 1° Classified, Architecture & Urban Spaces.



“Facing Reality” by Amos Nachoum. Pleneau Island, Antarctic Peninsula. 1° Classified, Animals in Their Environment.



“Hanging in the Primary Forest” by Marco Gaiotti. Gunung Leuser National Park, Indonesia. Honorable Mention, Animals in Their Environment.



“El Calbuco” by Francisco Negroni. Los Ríos Region, Chile. 1° Classified, The Beauty of Nature.



“Migration” by Khalid Alsabt. Desert of Dahana, Saudi Arabia. 2° Classified, The Beauty of Nature.



“On Guard” by Riksa Dewantara. Bromo Semeru Tengger National Park, Indonesia. 2° Classified, Journeys & Adventures.



“Kid with Hand Crafts” by David Nam Lip Lee. Ethiopia. 1° Classified, Fascinating Faces and Characters.



“Every Breath You Take” by Klaus Lenzen. Duesseldorf, Germany. 1° Classified, General Color.



“Fisherman at Inle Lake” by Yinzhi Pan. Inle Lake, Myanmar. 1° Classified, Student.



“The Wave” by Lorraine Turci. South of Drake Passage, Antarctica waters. 3° Classified, Journeys & Adventures.



“Henningsvær Football Field” by Misha De-Stroyev. Henningsvær, Lofoten Islands, Norway. 2° Classified, Architecture & Urban Spaces.



“Snowfall” by Matthias Hangst. Lahti, Finland. Honorable Mention, Sports in Action.


“Runner” by Marcel van Balken. Arnhem, The Netherlands. 1° Classified, General Monochrome.