The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs


Германы тамирчин  Роберт  Фөрстеманн амжилтаасаа илүүтэйгээр булчинлаг гуяаараа дэлхий дахинд од болоод байгаа юм. Түүний булчинлаг гуя нь бүсгүйчүүдийн анхаарлыг эрхгүй татдаг бөгөөд  тэхүү хараа булаасан гуятай тамирчин эрийн зургаас хүргэе.




The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs



The German Athlete with the Gigantic Legs